Get Your Data in Shape

Oh, the data! The eternal mess of multiple sources, spreadsheets, and numbers that never match!

Let Beanstalk Insight turn your data into clean tables with numbers that make sense but more importantly, tell you what is really going on.

Start your morning with reliable, clean data presented in easy-to-understand charts and sent directly to your inbox

Know where you stand in terms of sales, web traffic, email opens, and promo redemptions

Use data to improve the performance of your marketing campaigns

Make it easier for your customers to schedule appointments and pay bills by analyzing web traffic data
Find out how much in sales you get per dollar spent on online ads

Have clear guidelines on campaign tagging, so you never lose your results

Web Traffic Reports

Free to the end user, Google’s Looker Studio turns your web traffic data into flexible reports. We created multiple templates to address our clients’ reporting needs in a cost-effective way. 

Google Looker Studio

Turn your Google Analytics data into beautiful, easy-to-understand custom dashboards, delivered to your inbox daily.

Bring Your Data Together

Stop trying to understand your business from multiple Excel sheets or provider sites. Beanstalk Insight will bring your data into a single dashboard, either in Looker or in a reporting solution of your choice.

Email Campaigns

Tune your emails to the perfect frequency and your copy to the maximum response by making better decisions with data. Look at open rates, CTRs, and conversions next to the web traffic by feeding multiple data sources into the same dashboard.

Sales Data

Know where your most important numbers stand. Connect your sales data to your reporting solutions and create meaningful sales reports that show how your business is growing.

Data Warehouse

Use a cloud data warehouse to transform, align, and join your data to extract deeper insights about product performance, sales and profitability, customer lifetime value, and campaign effectiveness.

Beanstalk Data Packages

Google Analytics 4 Dashboard

We use our customizable templates to create a cost-effective solution for your web reporting needs. Understand where your customers come from, which pages they visit, where they engage, and how they convert.

Sales and Revenue Report

Start your morning with a daily sales report sent directly to your inbox.

Ultimate Data Cleanup

Does your data need help? No problem. We bring 20+ years of experience cleaning dirty data to transform yours into reliable, up-to-date numbers that actually make sense. Feed them into a reporting tool of your choice and bask in the clean data heaven.

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