Looker Studio Consulting

Turn your data into beautiful, customizable dashboards with the help of Google Looker Studio.

Easy access. There is nothing to install, and if you have a Gmail account, you already have Looker Studio!

Charts, charts, charts! You don’t need to be an analyst to create beautiful visualizations.

Collaborative. Sharing a dashboard with a team member is as easy as sharing a Google Doc. 

Free! For most small clients, Looker Studio usage falls under the free tier.

Bring data from multiple sources. Easily integrate popular data sources and view all your data in one place. 

Looker Studio is highly flexible, allowing users to adapt data displays to their own needs.

Looker Studio Process

With our Looker Studio building approach, we will identify what you need from your data and build the reports in the most efficient way. 

Define KPIs

We will work with you to understand your business and define the most important metrics. 

Connect Data

We will identify your data sources, and connect them to Looker Studio.

Build Report

We will customize our templates to reflect your needs, so your KPI reports make most sense.

Learn & Maintain

We will train you on dashboard usage and customization while consistently monitoring, maintaining data, enhancing report quality.

Looker Studio Projects

Sample dashboard projects to get your analytical juices flowing. 

Google Analytics Dashboard

Use one of our Google Analytics templates to get the most important metrics for your website. See your web traffic, conversions, and customer engagement. Automatially send the report to your email. 

Sales Performance Dashboard

Get your sales data organized in weekly and daily charts sent right into your inbox.

Social Media Dashboard

Understand your impressions, clicks, and traffic sent to your website from your social media account. See which posts resonate with your customers most.

Consumer Research Dashboard

Bring customer insight and competitive data into your own Looker Studio dashboard. Whether you connect to an external service, cloud storage, or CSV file, Looker studio can summarize and visualize that data for you. 

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